case audit settlement enhancement


I am a contributing author and trained Auditor whose sole purpose is to assist in the reversal of unfair, undervaluation of injury claims.

I am a member of a select group of chiropractic physicians trained as an Auditor and Knowledgeable Observer to independently audit and provide medical validation when it is believed there is an undervaluation of an injury claim with inadequate explanation of the legal and factual basis for so low a valuation. The independent audit is for the correction of any omissions or misstatements of the claim by either the claimant or defense or rebut the engagement of any “Unfair Claim Settlement Practice Acts” or violations of the “Ethics Codes of the Adjuster” that result in unfair, undervaluation of an injury claim.

I am available to audit, consult and provide data to assist plaintiffs' attorneys in the benefits of P.I. Claim Audits on low ball injury claims. I can provide an: eBulletin series, eBook, Audit Report, Audit Brochure, Audit Magazine and CLE Accreditation.

Edward A. Bauchou, Jr., D.C.

Edward A. Bauchou, Jr., D.C.

(434) 237-4831  (434) 237-1038

7724 Timberlake Rd., Lynchburg, VA 24502

The Medical Records Are the Insurance Company’s Primary Source of Data Which They Use to Determine Settlement Valuation. One of the Single Most Important Considerations That Determine Settlement Valuation is derived from “Value Drivers” and "Decision Points" that Insurance Companies Use to Determine the range of worth of an injury claim. There Are 26 Value Driver sections, and 67,880 decision points. The insurance companies refuse to release their decision points to the public making it difficult to navigate the claim. The audit acts like a search engine to detect overlooked value drivers and decision points and exchange them in the correct language, format and sequence to interface and input added valuation into the injury claim.

The software we use in our audit process is designed to make the same medical determinations as the insurer's software's. Using ambient intelligence technology, our software features a rare Computer Aided Decision-making functionality and Decision Support System. This ability is no match for the human mind and this technology advancement is a key component of our ability to reverse undervaluation's on injury claims.

As an auditor and 'Knowledgeable Observer', we apply MECE standards to our audits. MECE = Mutually Exclusive / Collectively Exhaustive. This essentially means that we focus on each claim with precision when we audit, and we exhaust every available method to reverse undervaluations of injury claims.

Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet landjaeger sausage brisket, jerky drumstick fatback boudin ball tip turducken. Pork belly meatball t-bone bresaola tail filet mignon kevin turkey ribeye shank flank doner cow kielbasa shankle. Pig swine chicken hamburger, tenderloin turkey rump ball tip sirloin frankfurter meatloaf boudin brisket ham hock. Hamburger venison brisket tri-tip andouille pork belly ball tip short ribs biltong meatball chuck. Pork chop ribeye tail short ribs, beef hamburger meatball kielbasa rump corned beef porchetta landjaeger flank. Doner rump frankfurter meatball meatloaf, cow kevin pork pork loin venison fatback spare ribs salami beef ribs.

Jerky jowl pork chop tongue, kielbasa shank venison. Capicola shank pig ribeye leberkas filet mignon brisket beef kevin tenderloin porchetta. Capicola fatback venison shank kielbasa, drumstick ribeye landjaeger beef kevin tail meatball pastrami prosciutto pancetta. Tail kevin spare ribs ground round ham ham hock brisket shoulder. Corned beef tri-tip leberkas flank sausage ham hock filet mignon beef ribs pancetta turkey.

Clinic Assets
  • I am proud to have studied to acquire a very high level of skill and confidence in the auditing of accident-related cases.
  • My staff and I are very Knowledgeable, friendly, dedicated and eager to help with our audit services to reverse undervaluation's of injury claims.
  • Plaintiff's attorneys know that when they engage our audit services, they can feel good that they have made the right decision.
  • Our satisfaction rating has been consistently high, and attorneys soon realize that we care about their clients and that we are thoroughly knowledgeable in auto accident-related audits to reverse undervaluation's. This is based not only on our successful actions but also because attorneys want to know that their auditor cares about getting a reversal of low settlement valuations especially when there is no legal and factual basis and when Unfair Claim Settlement Practice Acts have been engaged and the adjuster violates his own Ethics Codes of the Adjuster. The audit is the solution to unfair, undervaluation of injury claims.
  • I am proud to have studied diligently to acquire a very high level of skill and confidence to become an auditor of accident-related injury claims and subscribe to the "Observer Rule of law and Empowerment."
  • We are eager to assist when injury claims have been undervalued and there is no legal or factual basis for so low a determination.
  • We want our plaintiff's representatives to feel that when they choose our audit services, you have made the right decision.
  • We understand how frustrating it is for all plaintiff's parties to be on the low end of a settlement valuation. No one should have to go through that — and we are truly grateful that you are allowing us the opportunity to bring a more favorable resolve to this issue of unfair, injury claim undervaluation. That is our sole purpose.
  • The human mind is no match against the insurers software's, therefore we have acquired the CASE Audit Settlement Evaluation software that makes up to 600 decisions and determinations to match the insurers software's and exchange decision points, interface and input added valuation into an injury claim. The CASE software we use has "Computer Aided Decision Making' functionality and is in a rare class of semantically interoperable software's. It also is a "Decision Support System" and will include "Statements of Undisputed Facts', "Memorandum of Points' research and references to show its side has greater believability than the defense.
  • We strive to keep our satisfaction rating high and show that we care. Thank you for being our valued customer. We are grateful for the pleasure of serving you and meeting your injury claim audit and enhancement needs.
  • Fair and equitable settlement valuation is the injured's rights, and we provide our audit services to reverse undervaluation when it occurs in injury claims. You trust our audit services and we take that seriously. When unfair, unreasonable undervaluation occurs, there is accompanying stress and anxiety over injuries, future prognosis, total costs, wage loss, property damage and the implications that arise from insurance issues. In fact, there are 26 sections comprised of medical, legal, economic and administrative factors of an injury claim. The audit is like a search engine to assemble all the factors of the claim in the correct language, format and sequence to interface with the insurers software's, exchange data among the insurers 67,880 decision points of an injury claim to reverse undervaluation and add to the worth of the claim.
  • I have trained to become an auditor and 'knowledgeable observer' of facts, including missing value drivers especially when there is no legal or factual basis for low valuations. We will audit each case using MECE Standards; Mutually Exclusive and Collectively Exhaustive, to apply the highest standards to establish the preponderance, win the greater weight of the evidence challenges and reverse undervaluation's of injury claims. You can be confident that you are in caring hands and thank you for trusting us with your client's audit.
Curriculum Vitae
  • 1989 University of California, Berkeley, Bachelor Science Material Science Engineering: BsMsE
  • 1992 Life Chiropractic College – West, San Lorenzo CA, Doctor of Chiropractic: DC
  • 1998 License State of Virginia, Physician Acupuncturist

    Practice History:
  • 1992 - 1994 Private Practice: Agape Chiropractic, Fremont CA
  • 1994 - Present Private Practice: Edward A. Bauchou Jr. DC PC, Lynchburg VA

  • Post Graduate Continuing Education:
  • Spinal Bio-mechanical Engineering: Cervical Pathobiomechanics, Spinal bio-mechanical engineering of the cervical and upper thoracic spine. This includes the normal and pathobiomechanical movement of both the anterior and posterior motor units and normal function and relationship of the intrinsic musculature to those motor units. Nomenclature in reporting normal and pathobiomechanical findings of the spine. [Texas Chiropractic College or PACE Recognized by The Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards], ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo
  • Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2017 Spinal Bio-mechanical Engineering: Lumbar Pathobiomechanics, Spinal bio-mechanical engineering of the lumbar spine. This includes the normal and pathobiomechanical movement of both the anterior and posterior motor units and normal function and relationship of the intrinsic musculature to those motor units. Nomenclature in reporting normal and pathobiomechanical findings of the spine. [Texas Chiropractic College or PACE Recognized by The Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards], ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2017
  • Spinal Biomechanics in Trauma, To utilize whiplash associated disorders in various vectors of impact and whiplash mechanisms in determining pathobiomechanics. To clinically correlate annular tears, disc herniations, fractures, ligament pathology and spinal segmental instability as sequella to pathobiomechanics from trauma. The utilization of digital motion x-ray in diagnosing normal versus abnormal facet motion along with case studies to understand the clinical application. [Texas Chiropractic College or PACE Recognized by The Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards], ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2017
  • Spinal Bio-mechanical Engineering & Organizational Analysis, Integrating spinal biomechanics and pathobiomechanics through digitized analysis. The comparison of organized versus disorganized compensation with regional and global compensation. Correlation of the vestibular, ocular and proprioceptive neurological integration in the righting reflex as evidenced in imaging. Digital and numerical algorithm in analyzing a spine. [Texas Chiropractic College or PACE Recognized by The Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards], ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2017
  • Spinal Bio-mechanical Engineering: Cervical Digital Analysis, Digitizing and analyzing the cervical spine in neutral, flexion and extension views to diagnose pathobiomechanics. This includes alteration of motion segment integrity (AMOSI) in both angular and translational movement. Ligament instability/failure/pathology are identified all using numerical values and models. Review of case studies to analyze pathobiomechanics using a computerized/numerical algorithm. [Texas Chiropractic College or PACE Recognized by The Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards], ACCME 2 Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2017
  • Spinal Bio-mechanical Engineering: Lumbar Digital Analysis, Digitizing and analyzing the lumbar spine images to diagnose pathobiomechanics. This includes anterior and posterior vertebral body elements in rotational analysis with neutral, left and right lateral bending in conjunction with gate analysis. Ligament instability/failure/pathology is identified all using numerical values and models. Review of case studies for analysis of pathobiomechanics using a computerized/numerical algorithm along with corrective guidelines. [Texas Chiropractic College or PACE Recognized by The Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards], ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2017
  • Spinal Bio-mechanical Engineering: Full Spine Digital Analysis, Digitizing and analyzing the full spine images to diagnose pathobiomechanics as sequella to trauma in relation to ligamentous failure and disc and vertebral pathology as sequella. This includes vertebral body elements in rotational analysis with neutral, left and right lateral bending in conjunction with gate analysis. Ligament instability/failure/pathology is identified all using numerical values and models. Review of case studies for analysis of pathobiomechanics using a computerized/numerical algorithm along with corrective guidelines. [Texas Chiropractic College or PACE Recognized by The Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards], ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2017
  • Mild Traumatic Brain Injury/Traumatic Brain Injury/Concussion, Deferentially diagnosing mild traumatic brain injury vs. traumatic brain injury and the clinical and imaging protocols required to conclude an accurate diagnosis for head trauma. Texas Chiropractic College or PACE Recognized by The Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards, Academy of Chiropractic Post Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2017
  • Impairment Rating, The understanding and utilization of the protocols and parameters of the AMA Guide to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment 6th Edition. Spine, neurological sequella, migraine, sexual dysfunction, sleep and arousal disorders, station and gait disorders and consciousness are detailed for impairment rating. Herniated discs, radiculopathy, fracture, dislocation and functional loss are also detailed in relation to impairment ratings. [Texas Chiropractic College or PACE Recognized by The Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards'], ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2018
  • Spinal Cord Trauma, Information about basic spinal cord anatomy, describes common mechanisms of spinal cord injury and changes in bodily function after injury, and discusses patient management during the acute phase of spinal cord injury treatment. DC Hours, Hilton Head SC, Guy Annunziata, DC, BCN, PACE ID: 7302
  • Radiculopathy Patient Assessment, Effectively evaluate radiculopathies. Discussion on neuropathic pain syndromes, orthopedic evaluation, neurological work up and MRI. DC Hours, Hilton Head SC, Guy Annunziata, DC, BCN, PACE ID: 5605
  • The Neurology Of Pain, Examine the neurological and physiological aspects of pain transmission and pain perception. In depth analysis of the innate pain modulation systems that, when activated, will reduce a patient’s perception of pain without medication. DC Hours, Hilton Head SC, Guy Annunziata, DC, BCN, PACE ID:5610
  • Spinal Decompression, This course exposed many of the lies and exaggerations that many of the decompression table manufacturers have been telling us. Spinal decompression therapy through and objective review of the medical and chiropractic literature regarding its efficacy. DC Hours, Hilton Head SC, Guy Annunziata, DC, BCN, PACE ID: 5607
  • Basic MRI Part 3, Third part of the series discussing the Contraindications to MRI, how to read an MRI report, the MRI appearance of DDD, Ligamentum Flavum Hypertrophy, Disc Herniations, Annular Tears and Post-disc Surgical cases. DC Hours, Hilton Head SC, Guy Annunziata, DC, BCN, PACE ID: 5590 3
  • Basic MRI Part 2, Second part of the series with a discussion regarding the multi planar images of MRI, the shades of gray and the differences between T1 and T2 weighted images. Explore the special MRI studies that have been created to help identify different pathologies. Included discussions on Fat Suppression, Contrast Enhanced and Functional MRI studies. DC Hours, Hilton Head SC, Guy Annunziata, DC, BCN, PACE ID: 5589
  • Basic MRI Part 1, Course describes the basic fundamental principles shared by all MRI scanners. DC Hours, Hilton Head SC, Guy Annunziata, DC, BCN, PACE ID: 5588
  • Conditions Of The Disc Part 3, Review of normal disc aging, a discussion on the differences between normal disc aging and degenerative disc disease, internal disc disruptions, and nerve in growth. DC Hours, Hilton Head SC, Guy Annunziata, DC, BCN, PACE ID: 5596
  • Conditions Of The Disc Part 2, A short review of the basic aspects of MRI. Continue with a detailed analysis of disc herniations and normal disc aging. DC Hours, Hilton Head SC, Guy Annunziata, DC, BCN, PACE ID: 5595
  • Conditions Of The Disc Part 1, Detailed discussion on the functional anatomy of the disc. Including disc innervation, disc nutrition and structural composition. A discussion on the basic interpretation of MRI. DC Hours, Hilton Head SC, Guy Annunziata, DC, BCN, PACE ID: 5594
  • Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization Part 3: Upper Extremity, How to treat the soft tissue structures of the upper extremities using Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization. Review the soft tissue of the shoulder, elbow, wrist and peripheral nerves of the upper extremities and how to evaluate and treat these structures using IASTM protocols. DC Hours, Hilton Head SC, Guy Annunziata, DC, BCN, PACE ID: 8788
  • Documentation and Coding for 2020, Review over the practices for accurately documenting patient files, insurance codes, billing and insurance. Sherman College of Chiropractic Continuing Education Postgraduate Department, Spartanburg SC, License No: VA-1096
  • Neuroplasticity Part 1: A Basic Overview, Evidence based review of the theory of neuroplasticity and how its effect on our nervous system. This course will provide Chiropractors with information on the theory of neuroplasticity. DC Hours, Hilton Head SC, Guy Annunziata, DC, BCN, PACE ID: 7302
  • Neuroplasticity Part 2: Brainwaves Are A Window To The Brain, Evidence based review of the role of brain wave patterns in the process of creating neoplastic changes. Provide Chiropractors with information on brain wave patterns and neuroplasticity. DC Hours, Hilton Head SC, Guy Annunziata, DC, BCN, PACE ID: 7332
  • Neuroplasticity Part 3: The Importance of Sleep, Evidence-based review of the role of role of sleep in the process of creating neuroplastic changes. Provide Chiropractors with information on role of sleep and neuroplasticity. DC Hours, Hilton Head SC, Guy Annunziata, DC, BCN, PACE ID: 7333
  • Neuroplasticity Part 4: The Effects Of Sublaxation And Stress On The Brain, Evidence-based review of the role of role of subluxation and stress on the process of creating neuroplastic changes. Provide Chiropractors with information on the effect of subluxation and stress on neuroplasticity. DC Hours, Hilton Head SC, Guy Annunziata, DC, BCN, PACE ID: 7334
  • Spinal Decompression 150: Vertebral Axial Decompression, Define spinal decompression therapy, Demonstrate decompression table structure and use, Describe the relevant anatomy of the lumbar spine, Critically examine published reports of clinical outcomes of decompression therapy, Present and discuss clinical outcomes of decompression therapy and determine spinal decompression table treatment protocols. Course Automatically Accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department which includes the College of Chiropractic, a CCE accredited College, Wallingford CT, PACE Course ID: 3790
  • Spinal Decompression 101: Science and Clinical Application, Identify the goals, indications and contraindications of spinal traction and decompression, Predict responsive patient selection for spinal traction and decompression, Plot phases of traction and calculate the appropriate force, traction and hold times, Evaluate the validity of logarithmic pulls and disc targeting, and define ethical behavior for billing and marketing of non-surgical spinal decompression device. Course Automatically Accepted as 4 facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department which includes the College of Chiropractic, a CCE accredited College, Wallingford CT, PACE Course ID: 1980
  • Chiropractic Care of Peripheral Neuropathies, Review of the physiology and anatomy of peripheral nerves. Investigate the pathophysiology of peripheral nerve injury and disease. Understanding the mechanisms and processes that peripheral nerves use to regenerate. Investigate common systemic conditions that present with symptoms associated with peripheral patterns of neuropathy. Systemic peripheral neuropathies are further discussed in general terms regarding their etiology and pathomechanics. Specific peripheral polyneuropathies are investigated including; Whippel’s disease, Diabetes Mellitus, Gillian Barré Syndrome (GBS) Specific peripheral polyneuropathies are investigated including; Whippel’s disease, Diabetes Mellitus, Gillian Barré Syndrome (GBS) – continued, Upper extremity peripheral neuropathies are investigated in regards to presentation and examination. Upper extremity neuropathies are discussed. Disorders include; brachial plexus injury, carpal tunnel syndrome, and pronator syndrome. Specific mononeuropathies of the ulnar, and radial nerves are investigated. Lower extremity peripheral neuropathies are investigated in regards to presentation and examination. Lower extremity peripheral neuropathies are reviewed including; neuralgia paresthetica, tarsal tunnel syndrome, peroneal nerve neuropathies. Dc Online, Colorado Springs CO, Bill Moreau, DC, DACBSP, FACSM. CSCS, PACE ID: 4376
  • Primary Spine Care 2: Spinal Trauma Pathology, Morphology of healthy and traumatized connective tissue and the permanency implication of adhesions, spinal disc morphology in the healthy and pathological patient as sequella to trauma in relationship to bulges, herniations, protrusions, extrusions and sequestrations. Aberrant spinal biomechanics and negative sequella to trauma. Academy of Chiropractic, PACE Recognized by The Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards, Setauket NY, 2016
  • Primary Spine Care 2: Utilizing Research in Trauma, The ability of your electronic health records to convey tissue pathology while documenting case studies, field experiments, randomized trials and systematic literature reviews, Introducing evidence based macros in documentation to support the literature and necessity of care. Academy of Chiropractic, PACE Recognized by The Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards, Setauket NY, 2016
  • Primary Spine Care 2: Chiropractic Evidence, Analyzing segmental pathology, adjusting vs. mobilization with cervicogenic headaches, Opioid alternatives and case management of mechanical spine pain based upon outcome studies. Academy of Chiropractic, PACE Recognized by The Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards, Setauket NY, 2016
  • Primary Spine Care 2: Chiropractic Spinal Adjustment Central Nervous System Processing, Literature reviews of mechanoreceptor, proprioceptor and nocioceptor stimulation of later horn gray matter with pericardial stimulation affecting the thalamus and cortical regions with efferent distribution in disparate regions of the body in both pain and systemic stimulation. Academy of Chiropractic, PACE Recognized by The Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards, Setauket NY, 2016
Practice Achievements
  • Team Doctor of Chiropractic Liberty University 2002-2007
  • 2018 First Place 8th Annual Bedside Manners Award
Special Information

Your health is my first concern and you've entrusted it to me after your accident. I take that seriously. When you're involved in an accident, there is accompanying stress and anxiety over your injuries, your future prognosis and the implications that arise from insurance issues. I have trained in the medical-legal aspects of trauma medicine and will treat you and your injuries with the highest care possible and process your case according to the highest standards so be con